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Wake Up Day of Mindfulness

Your Success is in Your Daily Routines

Saturday 16th September 2023

Open to the public aged 18-40 years old.

(activities are designed for young people) At BIA, Bangkok

Dear friends,

Most people strive for success in their lives. The truth is that success does not happen in vacuums but rather from tiny components that we may create everyday.

When we create the right conditions for success, success will gradually emerge. No matter how much you pray or desire, success will not come to you without the right conditions.

So here we are! We would like to invite you! The youngsters!

Let us come together for a Day of Mindfulness in the Zen Plum Village tradition. Let us look deeply and redefine the so-called ‘Success’ using calmness, peace, and clarity from the practice of mindfulness.

On Saturday 16th September 2023

Open to the public aged 18-40 years old. (activities are designed for young people)


7:00 Alms round

7:45 Mindful Breakfast

08:45 Singing Meditation

09:15 Dharma Talk

10:15 Panel sharing from the Wake Up monastic in 3 months ordination program “Stepping into freedom”

11:30 Mindful Lunch

13.00 Total Relaxation

14.00 Dharma Sharing

15.30 Walking Meditation

16.30 End


1. Please bring your own vegetarian breakfast to eat together, lunch will be provided

2. The main languages are Thai and English. Please bring wired earphones for the translation system.

3. Please wear a face mask during indoor activities and keep social distancing

4. Activities and lunch fees are accepted through donations

Please kindly register to attend the activity

please write e-mail to for us to preparing you lunch and reserve your seat

Note: People who would like to participate in the morning alms round only but cannot participate in all activities after do not need to register.


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