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Invitation Letter | Holiday Retreat 2024

“The World We Are”

Heal the World by Cultivating Peace from Within

Namo Shakyamunaye Buddhaya

Dear Beloved Friends,

The monastics from Thai Plum Village would like to invite you to the Holiday Retreat titled "The World We Are: Heal the World by Cultivating Peace from Within".

The Earth is not just the environment we live in. We are the Earth, and we are always carrying her within us. What connects us all is our deep aspiration to live an awakened life in peace and harmony. We aspire to walk with you, our blood and spiritual ancestor, our teacher, Thầy; so, every step will be able to impress the seal of freedom, peace, and healing for all.

The Holiday Retreat will take place from December 24th-25th, 2024 to January 01st, 2025 at Thai Plum Village International Practice Center.  

For more details, please visit:

We are looking forward to seeing you here and now.


“A lotus for you, a Buddha to be.”

Brothers and Sisters,

Organizing Team | Holiday Retreat 2024

Thai Plum Village


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