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International Day of Peace 2023


Dear friends,

Monastic brothers and sisters have had a lot of happiness when attending the special events organized by the Peace Studies Program and International Buddhist Studies College (IBSC), Graduate School, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University and Affiliated Peace Networks (MCU), a partner in education and training of the Monastery on September 23rd 2023, titled “Every Breath of Peace Can Be Felt in a Human Life and Society”.

On this occasion, the Elder Monastics in the University’s Board of Management and the Board of Instructors have offered a lot of peace and happiness for all who attended the events. Following the ceremony of presenting the honourary prizes to monastics, instructors, and researchers in the field of peace, nourishing, and healing to the world, keynote speakers coming from all over the world have delivered talks about academic topics of applied Buddhism.

On behalf of Thai Plum Village, Dharma Teacher Venerable Chân Pháp Niệm also delivered a speech on the Five Mindfulness Trainings. In the tradition of Plum Village, simple practices like sitting, walking, total relaxation, silent meals, listening to the bell, beginning anew, etc. combine flexibly and offer opportunities to wake up and nurture seeds of understanding and compassion that are already available in every one of us. In relation to relationships in the family, office, or between friends, these are core values that decide stability and connectivity. The Venerable representing the Sangha of Thai Plum Village received the honourary prize for the social works that contribute to the peaceful and happy life in the local community through events frequently organized by the Monastery.

We are deeply grateful to the Respected Venerables and dear volunteers who have always given Thai Plum Village great love and support. Please enjoy the unforgettable moments taken in these events.

With love and gratitude,

Brothers and sisters

Thai Plum Village



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